Subject: CS
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner
Subject: CS
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner
Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner
Subject: CS
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner
Subject: French-Special
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner

This course examines the roles of information systems in a modern organization. Topics covered include information systems and their role in modern organizations; functions and purposes of various information systems and their components; system design and development process; information systems administration and management; social implications of information systems, and hands-on experience in the use of personal productivity software.

Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner

This course is designed to provide the student a good general understanding of software development and the development and implementation of critical-thinking and logical-reasoning skill sets required for the creation of software solutions. This course focuses on the introduction of general programming concepts and of object-oriented programming concepts, using the Java programming language.

Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner

PHP is probably the most popular scripting language on the web. It is used to enhance web pages. With PHP, you can do things like create username and password login pages, check details from a form, create forums, picture galleries, surveys, and a whole lot more. If you've come across a web page that ends in PHP, then the author has written some programming code to liven up the plain, old HTML.

Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner

IT Essentials provides an overview of computer fundamentals and an introduction to advanced concepts. Students will learn how to build a computer and install different versions of the Windows operating system. This course will help prepare students for exciting career opportunities in computer technology.

Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner

This course is a fast-paced introductory course to the C++ programming language.

It is intended for those with no previous knowledge of programming. At the end of this course you will be able to write C++ programs using functions, flow control statements and arrays...

Subject: None
Grade: None
Skill Level: Beginner